About Annie

"The roots of resilience… are to be found in the sense of being understood by and existing in the mind and heart of a loving, attuned and self- possessed other."
- Diana Fosha

I am a BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) registered counsellor. I am accountable to their Ethical Framework of Counselling.

I work in the private sector offering confidential, non-judgemental support and help to those in need of a calm space. I am committed to working with the individual and their specific needs, and offer a relationship based on empathy, non-judgement, and honesty. Most people who come to me are through my directory listing and website. They can stay long or short term.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story."
- Maya Angelou

We all have our own story to tell. Not just to tell our story but to have a significant ‘other’ who with empathy allows us to entire the process of ‘being known.’ Being known to oneself and to make sense of the dialogues in our own minds. I help people to find peace of mind by helpling them to manage their anxiety or low mood. I offer an opportunity for you to explore your concerns in a caring, confidential and trusting atmosphere. Life can be tough, full of problems and issues that we just cannot cope with anymore. Maybe turning to family or friends for help just is not an option. It may be that you want support to manage issues such as grief, anxiety and panic, stress and anger which can result in feelings of depression and low self-esteem. where we can lose focus and need help to move forwards. It can feel a little frightening acknowledging to yourself that you want or need to speak to a counsellor, so taking this first step can be an incredibly hard thing to do and I appreciate the effort it might have taken to get this far. Fear of loss are normal and integral aspects of life itself. Losses are often ignored and over a lifetime we experience an accumulation of losses. Loss is not something to 'get over'. comes in many forms. Loss is a common strand that thread through all aspects of life. I aim to provide a safe environment whereby you can process your loss and move towards resolution and purpose

I support people through their life experiences such as bereavement, redundancy, pregnancy related issues, eating disorders, disability, health related issues, relationship problems, retirement, lack of self-confidence to enable them to enjoy life again. I can help process the above issues as well as help my clients take control of how they respond to certain situations.

My aim is to work with and alongside you, creating an atmosphere where you feel relaxed and safe enough to begin facing your problems. In our sessions together we can explore your feelings and behaviours around the negativity affecting you and find a process, unique to you, in finding possible solutions to your issues and conflict. I am aware that many people do not want to be in counselling for the long term. Therefore, sessions can be tailored to busy lifestyle. Long-term face-to-face work, Short-term face-to-face work which are time-limited

In the light of these extraordinary times where we are slowly emerging from this lockdown, I can help you to find ways to manage the effects of this strain. We can work together on developing your resources to get through the stress, anxiety and/or depression. You do not have to face this situation alone. During this current time I am offering consultations via Zoom or telephone.

Annie Coole

MBACP member (2020); Ad Dip in Counselling (2010) Cert in Counselling (2008); Online and Telephone Counselling Cert (2020)